Thursday, July 28, 2011


Issue 13 of electronic publication Wowmagz

Detailed work by Tony Midi

Interview with Marcos Chin

I was recently interviewed for issue 13 of the digital design magazine Wowmagz. Packed full of design and illustration goodness from around the world, I particularly enjoyed reading an interview with illustrator Marcos Chin. When asked the question about advice for new designers, he says:
In the beginning it's important to constantly create new pieces even if you are not commissioned by anyone to do so. Having perseverance and a strong work ethic is more important than talent, I truly believe this.
You check out issue 13 here.


  1. I wholeheartedly agree with that statement, people can definitely have a creative disposition but without the drive and persistence're probably not going to get too far.

    Congratulations on getting piece in the magazine :) you certainly fit the bill of being an illustrator/designer with a strong work ethic!

  2. Aw, thanks Sheryl!! ^_^

    There's so much amazing art out there, so I've always found it encouraging to hear that it's not only talent that matters.


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